Membership and Affiliates

Sustainable States Network members ARe:  

  • Statewide: Support local governments throughout a single state.

  • Voluntary: Go beyond compliance programs.

  • Comprehensive: Broadly address sustainability and/or climate mitigation and resilience.

  • Provide Direction: Develop guidance and set standards that incorporate national and state tools, best practices, resources, and campaigns.

  • Build Local Capacity: Offer a range of resources such as training, hands-on technical assistance, peer-learning opportunities, and/or financial support.

  • Celebrate Accomplishments: Offer certification and/or recognition/awards to measure, reward, and track local government progress.

Sustainable States Network Affiliates Are:

Non-profits, federal, state, or regional agencies, educational institutions, foundations, Tribal governments, or programs that spend a significant portion of their time supporting local governments in a region of a state or nationally to address sustainability and/or climate mitigation or resilience. Their programs are voluntary and beyond compliance.

They may do two or more of the following:

  1. Work with communities within a part of a state or region, or nationally

  2. Provide direction via a sharing and learning network and access to relevant tools, resources, and experts

  3. Build local capacity via a range of resources such as trainings, webinars, peer-learning opportunities

  4. Build local capacity via interns, fellows, AmeriCorps, university researchers, or technical advisors

  5. Provide specific technical services such as GHG inventories, plan development assistance, or other

  6. Celebrate accomplishments and communicate local success stories

  7. Coordinate and partner with State SNN member programs

To become a Network Affiliate, please complete this form.